AMASEFFER Complete Work On Vocal Lines For New Album

October 18, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news amaseffer

AMASEFFER, the "Holy Project" from Andy Kuntz, lead singer of German progressive metal band VANDEN PLAS, have issued the following update:

"Hello Holy friend,

We are happy to announce that the work on the vocal lines for the album is done. It is performed and recorded by Mats Leven (KRUX, ex-THERION, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN) at his studio in Sweden.

Since the departure of our previous singer (Andy Kuntz) we started a rapid work on the lyrics for the CD, since it was his (Andy) job writing it. But now it was a whole new ball game for we got replacement but we got no lyrics for him!

It was decided that if we want to move forward as fast as we can in order to record the vocal lines, we need to do it ourselves and write our own lyrics. The long and detailed research we did on the Bible story of the Exodus was at hand when we most needed it and it was a real guide to our work. It was great privilege and honor to use the help of the super talented Yotam "defiler" Avni and together with Yuval Kramer they wrote the lyrics for three songs on the album. Other three songs lyrics was written by Erez Yohanan and one was written by Yuval and Erez. All lyrics was done in two weeks including vocal guides for it!

When we first started working on the vocal lines with Mats it was clear the we are dealing with a super professional vocalist and a great person to work with. His work was rapid fast and right to the target we where aiming for. At firs it was a bit strange working online with him but once we got the hang of it it got faster and much more productive. The process was really simple: we have sent him the lyrics and vocal guides and he recorded them with some modifications to it. We found that the vocal guides was really helpful and made things going faster then we thought.

Mats contribution was great for he really got into the deepest details in terms of the lyrics and vocal lines. He showed a great sense of pertinence and did not let go of things that bothered him and we thank him for that. Here's what he had to say about it:

"Hi everyone,

Finally I'm finished with my vocals for the first CD!

It took a while since we had to work out melody lines by mailing Mp3's to each other and so on, but I think we've found a good understanding for each other's wishes now. I'm convinced the next 2 Cd's will be great as well, right now I'm thrilled to hear the first Cd's mixes.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy the final result once it's released!

Cheers, Mats"

So now that we got this over with we fly (again) to Germany to upload the vocal lines and do the Mastering for the CD.

Our hope is that we will release the CD in the next few months, but we will make a new announcement regarding that and the record label after we get back from Germany in a few weeks time so stay tuned.

Regarding the art work for the CD: in the last minute change it was decided to do a full illustrated booklet for the CD. Every song will have his own hand drawn illustration in order to pass through the visual of it. All art work is done by the great Mattias Norén.

Well that's it for now holy friends and hope to talk to you soon."

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