ANGER AS ART - "We Have A Near Perfect Focus On What We Are Going To Accomplish"

June 23, 2008, 16 years ago

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Metal To Infinity recently caught up with ANGER AS ART frontman Steve Gaines. An excerpt from the interview appears below:

Q: Two albums released so the outside world has reacted to both albums?

Gaines: "Well, obviously the two records have been the focal point, but we have been fortunate to do some tour dates in support of both - and have played with many amazing bands along the way. A few dates with TESTAMENT, OVERKILL, DESTRUCTION, AGENT STEEL, LAAZ ROCKIT, HIRAX, as well as having an influence on some of the new generation of thrash bands from LA (played with all of them now)...a lot of press, interviews, and even some television appearances. In fact, June 6th was our four year anniversary - or rather the fourth anniversary of realizing that I had to do something on my own. The band existed about a year later, but it all started four years ago. It has been a blur, and the time of my life. And even with all of the success (if you can call it that) of working with so many great bands, it all would have meant nothing if Anger As Art never existed. The idea that something could be built from less than zero into something that people still care about four years later... the greatest feeling ever."

Q: You guys are working a new album out, right? What about the progress of the new songs...what to expect?

Gaines: "Complete honesty, right? Over the course of two albums, we have never been afraid to take chances - and that is a good thing. It allows us to know exactly what we are, and what works. As such, we have a near perfect focus on what we are going to accomplish. Okay, now having said that - I do not want to say that this album will be the best ever, blah blah blah. I will say that it will be an accurate representation of what we are. Violent, fast, angry, old school... if you think you 'get' what AAA is all about, then you will know what to expect. From there, we have the challenge to push ourselves. A few titles are 'Appease An Angry God', 'Disfigure', 'Rage And Retribution', 'Feels Like Blood'... and more."

Go to this location to check out the complete interview.

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