Austria's HELLSAW To Take Indefinite Break

June 27, 2012, 12 years ago

news life in black hellsaw

In a statement issued today, Austrian black metallers HELLSAW announced their intention to take an indefinite break from their activities. All scheduled tours and appearances during 20012/13 have been cancelled.

Citing “personal reasons” for the decision frontman and founder Aries had this to say: “We may be back, or we may be back as something entirely different, but whatever happens in the future we would just like to thank all the fans who have shown us such phenomenal support and all the people who have worked with us to make Hellsaw what it is today”

Formed in 2002 by Aries, and then-drummer Svart, Hellsaw's current lineup includes Aries on vocals, Malthus and Isiul on Guitars, Desderoth on Bass and Neuroticon on Drums. With five full-length albums under their belt, Hellsaw are one of the leading black metal bands to emerge from Austria in recent years. The band’s use of instantly recognizable melodies which stay firmly in your memory, coupled with a respect and understanding of what it really takes to make a good black metal band created a sound that was unmistakably Hellsaw and culminated in the release of their fifth album Trist earlier this year on Napalm records.

Below you can see the official video of Hellsaw performing the track 'The Black Death' from the Cold album live at Party.San:

The Hellsaw SoundCloud player contains several tracks from the band:

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