Author JOEL GAUSTEN On Satanism - "If Thousands Of Bloodthirsty Nutcases Were Roaming The Streets Wouldn’t Someone Other Than A Second-Rate 'Journalist' / Talk-Show Host Notice?"

February 24, 2009, 15 years ago

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Author, musician and satanist Joel Gausten, who has penned books on BLACK SABBATH, PRONG, THE MISFITS / THE UNDEAD, and recently released Words From The Third Side: Essays On Sex, Satan & Success, is featured in a new interview with Sinfully Delicious Magazine. An excerpt is available below.

Q: What first attracted you to Satanism? How did you first discover The Church of Satan?

Gausten: "I first became aware of Satanism through the infamous 'Satanic Panic' of the 1980s. I remember watching those television programs hosted by Geraldo Rivera and his ilk and thinking, 'There is NO WAY this stuff is real.' After all, if thousands of bloodthirsty nutcases were roaming the streets killing cows and abducting children, wouldn’t someone other than a second-rate 'journalist'/talk-show host notice?

As I grew older, I came across interviews with 'Satanic' musicians like King Diamond, Thomas Thorn and David Vincent in my favorite music magazines. They all struck me as incredibly intelligent and well-spoken gentlemen, and I became interested in discovering for myself what REAL Satanism was and is. It took only one read through the Satanic Bible for me to realize that I was born a Satanist. After a lengthy period of research and consideration, I joined the Church of Satan on July 17, 2002 – my 25th birthday. I discuss my evolution as a Satanist in my new book, Words From The Third Side: Essays on Sex, Satan & Success.”

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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