AVANTASIA / HDK Vocalist AMANDA SOMERVILLE - Track From New Solo Album Featured In Cosmetic Company's Worldwide Advertising Campaign

April 16, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news avantasia hdk amanda somerville

AVANTASIA / HDK vocalist Amanda Somerville has checked in with the following update:

"Happy Spring, everyone (for those of you in places where it's spring, anyway),

Once again the bees are buzzing, the leaves are unfurling and the birds are flying about all twitterpated... AND I have news. Really, really good news. Brilliant news.

'Point Of Safe Return' (from new solo album, Windows) is being featured in a new commercial for the German cosmetics company, ARTDECO (artdeco.de). They're looking to expand and are launching a world-wide campaign where the spot will be shown in over 60 countries on television, at conventions and, of course, on the internet. They're even featuring me on their site. Veeeeeerrrry cool.

Here's the commercial. Here's the feature (in German).

By the way, they have great products, so check them out!

Sooooo, we're less than a month out from the Windows release (May 8th ) and there are lots of fun things happening. You'll see. This site will look quite different very soon, so keep checking back. Change is good. Mother Nature seems to agree with me."

Dicke Knutschskies,


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