BEHEMOTH - New Studio Footage Available

April 8, 2009, 15 years ago

news life in black behemoth

Poland's BEHEMOTH check in with the following update:

"Behemoth has posted the third in the series of episodes documenting the making of their new, yet untitled record. The band is currently working in B Room of Radio Gdansk, tracking down solos and vocals with Jan Bryt behind the mixing board."

Check out new footage below.

Behemoth’s bassist Orion has issued a following update: “We're getting further and further with the work on this new album, the end is near! For bass tracks recording I used tested, verified and proven for years ESP basses and Sansamp preamplifier. Plus quite new in my arsenal – Marbass amp and cabinet. This time, there was less of searching and more of self-confidence, realizing very definite and precise goals in the matter of sound. Resolutely, it's the most efficient and conscious recording session of Behemoth!”

Check out brand new pictures from the studio here.

Behemoth has tapped Colin Richardson (MACHINE HEAD, SLIPKNOT, NAPALM DEATH, CARCASS) to mix their new, as of yet untitled album due out late summer 2009. The CD is now being recorded in Radio Gdansk in Poland with Behemoth, Daniel Bergstrand and Woytek, and Slawek Wieslawscy as producers.

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