BIF NAKED Praises Calgary Stampede Show Audience - "I Cannot Thank You Enough For Your Undying Support, In Your Efforts To Create A Massive Beautiful Mosh Pit!"

July 13, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canadian rocker Bif Naked has checked in with the following update:

"Namaste Salaam HellYEAH!

Gooood wishes and energy to everyone of you! I am writing this from a cloudy morning in Vancouver, fresh from our Alberta trip. I am energized and sending you all my feelings. Om shanti peace to you.

Calgary found us in front of a thirty-thousand people type of mish-mash audience, and I am still tingling from the thrill of it. I cannot thank you enough for your undying support, in your efforts to create a massive beautiful MOSH PIT! Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ bout! My band and I were overjoyed!

And, I was able to do an autograph booth which provided me an opportunity to meet hundreds and hundreds of you! Can I just say, I love you! You all rule so hard and are my true raison d’etre. Thank you for being so special. You all enlightened me with your glow. Truly. I adore playing our little songs for you. I can’t imagine the life I would lead without you all in it. Fuck! You guys are the greatest!

And, the special 'PG13' type of all-ages show that it was, I DID NOT SWEAR!! I followed the rules like a good girl. Whew! Not even one bad word. Soooo…..fuckfuckfuck I’m happy about that self-discipline! (I did find an article on swearing that I have included here for your reading).

Now, we will be playing in a few days at the Edmonton Street Festival thingy, so I obviously can’t wait to see you guys there! And then in Kelowna and don’t forget our Commodore show in Vancouver in August!

In the meantime, I am training hard and desperately trying to excel with my weight training to ensure I may resume my martial arts training this fall. Yoga, of course, does assist my endeavours, physically. I am very, very grateful to be healthy and able. Granted, my goals are rather ambitious. But, they always were. They always will be. Om Nama Shivaya.

I hope everyone has a stellar week and this finds you experiencing bliss in every moment. Remember to be present. Love yourself. Honor your Truth. Trust your heart...and EAT AN EXTRA BANANA! (Nom nom nom… Like I am right this minute! Yum!).

Gratitude and blessings from my soul,

Love and honor,


To view Bif Naked's upcoming tour dates, click here.

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