BIF NAKED - "The Set List Is Ambitiously Long"

June 12, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

BIF NAKED has issued the following update:

"Happy Beautiful blessings to all of you! I trust your week has flown by and I am hoping you all have productive-plans-for-happiness for the coming weekend. :)

On tour, everyday is Saturday (and every night is, therefore, 'Saturday Night') boooyah! The shows are SOOOO FUN! So sweaty. I mean, disgustingly sweaty. LOL! I’m actually *gasp* grateful for my SHORT hair! It would be murder gettin that sweaty on stage every night with that long hair. (Plus, with headbanging-or-antics, I often 'ate' my hair during songs as it flipped into my gob all the time!).

The guys are definitely beyond my expectations of 'bandmates'. We are a TEAM and it's like being in hockey camp when you are a kid, y’know? Suffer together and triumph together. It's pretty cool. All eight of us. Like that tv show, Eight Is Enough, only different. LOL! I’ve always been pretty lucky that way, as a bit of a 'tomboy' (even though you+I know I’m a self-confessed 'girlygirl' too: It's probably written somewhere in Vedic Astrology, or Gemini stuff) True Band Team-stuff crosses all caste, creed, and gender boundaries. Everyone is equal, for the most part.

Perhaps, like most everything I think about, it has a bit of a Utopian sheen. Ever the positive grrl, I endeavour to seek the beauty in All Things. But I sure as fuck don’t have to try hard to find beauty in rockshows. It finds ME! And it is a joyful experience (even though the set list is ambitiously long and there are a lot of 'screamo' songs for me… I am basically hoarse most hours of the day! LOL!) But I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my effort+abilities every day. I still pinch myself.

Plus I’m surviving with bananas, oranges, pineapples, and HempBliss and Vega shakes. Just like home! I even found. gorgeous organic cherry tomatos! Yum! The boys+crew have taken to making steaks for themselves on a barbeque they bust out from the busbays. It's pretty funny, to me, so I had to take a picture and share with you (see above). It is a Family Picnic everyday, and a supaflyfuckyeahRock-n-Roll partay everynight! Wow!

Life is so neat. One day you’re in the hospital, and then - the next thing you know - you’re on TOUR! Om Nama Shivaya. And, the thing to remember is that life is like that. You just NEVER EVER know what life will bring. So be happy. Have a barbeque (even try a VEGAN barbeque! Heh, heh..) And enjoy every minute. No matter what.

Blessings. Bliss. Lovenergy. Horns. Me. You. Them. Us. Bananas. Yay!

Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Love.



To view Bif Naked's upcoming tour dates, click here.

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