BLACKMORE'S NIGHT - Castles & Dreams To Premier On New York Public Television This Month

January 18, 2006, 18 years ago

news rock hard blackmore night

The official website of BLACKMORE'S NIGHT, featuring former DEEP PURPLE/RAINBOW guitar icon RITCHIE BLACKMORE, has been updated as follows:

"Don't miss the exclusive premiere of Blackmore’s Night: Castles & Dreams on Monday, January 30 at 8 pm on WLIW21 New York Public Television with Ritchie Blackmore and Candice Night live in the studio. Ritchie and Candice will speak about their new DVD, experiences on the road, and upcoming tour and studio CD. The couple might even give an impromptu performance. During the broadcast premiere of the concert special, we hope you will support WLIW21's decision to air the kind of music programming you wouldn't see on commercial channels or cable. When you call 1.800.767.2121 or visit (click "support21", then click "become a member") and make a donation there are various "thank you" gifts for your contribution, along with WLIW membership benefits like discounts to local museums. The success of this show in the New York metropolitan area may influence public television stations across the country to pick up the special.

If you do not live in the New York metro-area, you can contact your local public television station at to find March airdates in your area for Blackmore's Night: Castles & Dreams. If your station does not have this special scheduled please call or write them to let them know you want to see Blackmore's Night on TV in your town. Once a station sees public demand for a show it might convince them to add it to their schedule."

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