BRUTAL TRUTH - New Album "Is The Best, Most Current, Most Pertinent To What’s Going On In The World Of Brutal Truth"

April 14, 2009, 15 years ago

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Justin M. Morton at recently caught up with BRUTAL TRUTH drummer Richard Hoak. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Norton: The economy is in tatters, we’re in two wars, and everyone seems in danger of losing their home. It seems like the right time for a Brutal Truth comeback, no?

Hoak: "People haven’t been facing up to the truth for a long time now. It's an interesting coincidence that as people need to face up to the truth of what’s happening on the planet, that Brutal Truth is coming back with a batch of songs and lyrics that tackle what’s going on in society. That’s one of the reasons I joined Brutal Truth back in the day. It’s music with meaning. It wasn’t just about cars or girls or cutting up girls. There are serious problems and our new music addresses that."

Norton: For fans who weren’t around for your '90s heyday, is (new album) Evolution Through Revolution a good introduction to the world of Brutal Truth?

Hoak: "It’s the best, most current, most pertinent to what’s going on the world of Brutal Truth. Brutal Truth records are always a snapshot of the times. You can go back and listen to Songs Of The Animal Kingdom or Extreme Conditions. but you’d have to listen to them in the context of when they were recorded. I’m into new music and current events so I think the new Brutal Truth record is the best place to start. We are going to be playing the whole album live. We play like the whole album beginning to end, then we have a set with three or four songs from each other record. That will get you about an hour of grind."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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