BW&BK Exclusive: BATTLELORE Frontman TOMI MYKKÄNEN On The Last Alliance - "I’m Actually Quite Pleased With My Death Metal Voices"

October 18, 2008, 15 years ago

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BW&BK; recently spoke with BATTLELORE frontman Tomi Mykkänen about the band's new album, The Last Alliance. The following is an excerpt from the story.

The dynamics of the new songs are superior to anything Battlelore has done in the past, with Mykkänen and female vocalist Kaisa Jouhki stealing the spotlight. Jouhki has branched out significantly, experimenting with her lower range, and Mykkänen delivers three separate vocal styles to the proceedings including some rich clean singing.

“That was my idea, and I was really scared," laughs Mykkänen. "I wanted to do it earlier, and we actually tried some things on Evernight, but we only ended up using them for background choir vocals. When we were making the demos for The Last Alliance I had these nice melodies in my head so I decided to record them. Just to keep them in mind and maybe give Kaisa some ideas. When the guys heard the stuff they told me it had to go on the album (laughs).”
“It’s so easy for me to record when I’m at home, but the studio scares the shit out of me,” he adds. “It’s really hard for me to sing in there, so it took me a while to get into it, but in the end I think it turned out to be a big success. All those growls are me. I tried different things and I’m actually quite pleased with my death metal voices. I’m pleased with the whole album.”

Watch for the in-depth interview in BW&BK; #113, due out in November. Go to this location to hear audio samples from The Last Alliance.

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