CRUCIFIED BARBARA Check In From The Studio

November 28, 2011, 12 years ago

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Sweden's CRUCIFIED BARBARA entered Music A Matic Studio in Gothenburg on November 7th, together with producer Chips Kiesbye, to record their third studio album. Vocalist/guitarist Mia Coldheart has issued an update from the recording sessions:

"Hello!! Since the internet connection sucks here in the studio it’s difficult -impossible- to upload pics :( but we can tell you that it looks quite the same everyday:)

We play, eat, sleep, play, eat and sleep. Hard work 24 hours. Right now Ida is recording bass on the last song, then it’s Klara’s turn and tomorrow I have to finish my last 7 tracks. While I’m waiting I am practicing guitar, recording with the video camera and sometimes I’m just lazy doing nothing, feeling nervous about next were horse jump competition in the Globe Arena and for all my vocal and lead guitar recordings that I will finish when we get back to Stockholm again.

We’re half way there!"

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