DARZAMAT Name New Concept Album, Reveal Song Titles

August 13, 2008, 16 years ago

darzamat news life in black

Poland's DARZAMAT check in with the following update:

"Darzamat reveals the details concerning the new album, which will be entitled Solfernus' Path. The band has just started writting the songs for the album.

For the first time in our band's history we've decided to create a concept album. It is a certain sort of novelty for us, yet we've had such an idea in our minds for a long time now. The coherent story which is to be told by both the lyrics and the music, is a hell of a greater challenge than composing ten pieces in the similar stylistics. As the action proceeds, the music must "react" accordingly and suitably. It is as if a screenplay, which is to attract the viewer in an interesting way - says Flauros, the vocalist of Darzamat.

The story contained on the record takes place in a mysthical set, indeed, which is created by the mansion of countess Josephine von Kuchmeister, the inspiration for which was the Villa Caro in Gliwice and the palace in P?awniowice. The action of Solfernus' Path takes place at the beginning of XXth century. The main character is a medicine student who undergoes a spiritual transformation. He goes beyond the carnal world and he notices the "other side". Everything is dressed in fairy-like climate, full of the occult "keys". Nothing is obvious, nothing here is predictable - says the vocalist.

The title Solfernus is of course not the main character of the story, but it's eminence grise. The character of Solfernus derives from the play Dalliance With Devil written by the Czech dramatist Jan Drda.

It is only a tiny inspiration, an impuls where one should not seek any similarities. Drda's play is grotesque and humorous, while our story is of a completely different character, much closer to Stefan Grabi?ski's horror short stories than to the ones of the Czech playwright - emphazises Flauros.

The band announces an extraordinary product. - The best record in band's history? I do not like this platitude, but I can say that it will undoubtedly be the best done album in our whole discography. Here we took care of each and every detail as never before. I'm talking here about the musical, arrangement as well as visual aspects. I'm convinced that after familiarizing oneselves with the contents of the Solfernus' Path, the fans'll state it was worth waiting that long for the album - adds the musician.

One more time the Darzamat's record will also be produced beyond the Polish borders. However, this time it will not be Andy La Rocque from KING DIAMOND who'll sit at the mixing table, which was the case while working on Transkarpatia.

We became friends with Andy, as he's not only a great producer and guitar player, but the increadible man as well. All I can say now is that also this time he'll have something in common with our album. As far as the production is concerned, we wanted to try something new. We're convinced that we'll hit the spot!

However, we'll say something about the details of our work in the studio when the time is right - ends Flauros.

What's already known are the titles of the pieces that will appear on the new band's publishing.

Solfernus' Path will contain the following songs: 'False Sleepwalker', 'Vote for Heresy', 'Final Conjuration', 'Pain Collector', 'Gloria Inferni', 'Solfernus' Path', 'Lunar Silhouette', 'King of Burning Anthems', 'Chimera', 'A Mesmeric Seance'.

More details concerning Solfernus' Path coming soon."

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