DEVILDRIVER Bassist Jonathan Miller Quits Band

March 30, 2011, 13 years ago

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DEVILDRIVER bassist Jonathan Miller has issued the following statement:

"I just wanted to thank all of the DevilDriver fans around the world for their die-hard love and support for the past 9 years. Yesterday, I decided to leave DevilDriver. It was the most difficult decision of my life but it is something that I needed to do for myself. I had the best times of my life hanging out with all of you guys but it is time for me to move on.Much love to everyone."

In an update back on December 21st, 2010, Miller stated:

"I have been touring with DevilDriver for almost the past ten years and the drugs and alcohol have finally caught up with me. I realized this when I ended up in the ICU on my birthday last week. I need to make a change so that I can save my own life and keep the friends that I still have left. I know that alot of DevilDriver fans seek me out first as the one to party with because I consider myself a very social person who is quite outgoing, personable and friendly. That was all fun in my 20s touring with the band, but as I am entering my early 30s I can feel the damage catching up with me mentally and physically. I don’t want to burn out prematurely before my time on this Earth is up. On January 1st I will be entering an intense rehabilitation program in order for me to reclaim my health and the person who I once was."

Stay tuned for further updates.

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