DEVILDRIVER Frontman Dez Fafara Featured In Revolver Golden Gods Black Carpet Video Interview

May 2, 2011, 13 years ago

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DEVILDRIVER frontman Dez Fafara spoke with KBAZ-FM Rockstar Radio at the 2011 edition of the Revolver Golden Gods Awards on Aptil 20th in Los Angeles, CA. Check it out below:

Disciples Of Metal’s Cameron Edney recently conducted an interview with Fafara. In the interview he talks about the writing and recording process surrounding their latest album Beast, his love for Australia, Life on the road, the real reason he left COAL CHAMBER and more. Excerpts from the interview are below:

Cameron Edney: You guys are certainly known for spending most of your time out on the road. Is there a possibility that the Beast shows could be recorded for a possible future release? I mean five albums in, it's probably time to shoot out a live album?

Dez Fafara: “We don't know... it's one of those things where you're working with a label and it’s contractual. Do they want to spend money on a live record? Do live records work? That's really where there head is that. My head is in the art of the live record… yes we'd love to, so should we be approached by the label and say let’s record these for a live record... amen let's do it! We try to record ourselves every night, where there's the opportunity anyways. We just listened back to a recording we did in England and my drummer said it best, he said "man we wouldn't even need to overdub, we could just put it out", so sure, we'd love to!”

Cameron Edney: What do you think have been the best lessons you've learnt on the road?

Dez Fafara: “I don't do hard drugs, it will take your life away, don't do hard alcohol; it will take your life away. People should know that I left Coal Chamber because of that, not because of the music. When I first left Coal Chamber I said that I wanted to go in a different direction musically, but that was because I was friends with all the families of those in Coal Chamber and I didn't want to call them out and say they're doing mountains of speed. Going onstage every night I realized that if I kept feeding them money they'd keep buying themselves drugs and that they were going to kill themselves. Now I'm great friends with the Coal Chamber guys and we run into each other six, seven times a year and they're all clean off the hard drugs so I did my job properly as a friend, even though I had to kill my whole career because of it, move my family into a one bedroom apartment and start over. I did it for my friends so in the end my character will show the true test of time. What I've learned is stay away from the hard shit and don't do everything full on, if you want to put the pedal to the metal eventually you will get a ticket and wind up in an accident.”

Cameron Edney: Getting away from touring I want to speak with you about the latest album Beast. The album is fuckin’ insane dude, it's brutal, melodic, kick you in the fuckin’ balls perfect! You guys must be really proud of this one?

Dez Fafara: “So proud of it man, we knew that this was going to be a defining moment. We've managed to define our sound with each record and we knew that this record was one of those moments where we had to nail down exactly where we were. I had a really rough go during the making of this record, the darkest places I've been in my life in the last ten years. Lucky I had family behind me, I had to leave the recording process twice, and it was a really difficult record to make. I had to move my family cause of wild fires again, I was going through heavy personal stuff with friends, health and other aspects of my life... when you go to a dark place like that you find yourself writing a record like Beast!”

Read the entire interview here.

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