DEVILDRIVER - "This Year Shall Be A Deadly One"

February 11, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news devildriver

DEVILDRIVER drummer John Boecklin has issued the following update:

"Everything is coming to an end at the studio now, we should be done tracking by Thursday or Friday. From there Logan will take on mixing alone. He likes to get the mix to a certain level of quality before anyone throws around opinions and ideas. We are heading out to Australia at the end of the month on the Shockwave tour. Gonna see alot of familar faces and friends. I think this is our sixth tour with LAMB OF GOD, third tour with LACUNA COIL and EVERY TIME I DIE, second with ALL THAT REMAINS, and third with IN FLAMES! Its gonna be all time. Not to mention NINE INCH NAILS for a first!! We also have seen our 2009 future for touring and I like what I see. Busy! Festivals in Europe, summer and complete winter plans solid all over the world. This year shall be a deadly one. See ya!!"

Meanwhile, vocalist Dez Fafara reports:

"Raise your fucking glasses and put your RockNRoll up in the Air cause this new record is un.fucking.real!!! Life has been a whirl wind since December. I starting writing to the music December 16th out on my parents ranch, which was perfect cause I had no phone reception and at night nothing but stars in the sky with no city around. I found myself having so much material that was written between albums that this one poured outta me and by the time I started demoing vox by January 7th, most of the lyrics were firmly inplace. We have 15 tracks ... and can't find a B-side! That's a good thing!!

As far as direction goes... if your looking for The Fury, or The Last Kind Words Part 2, your not gonna get it! We continue to grow as a unit to create and define the everchanging sound of DevilDriver.

Everyone stepped up to the plate big time on this one, more guitar work, solos , the drumming is insane the bass tones and playing are heavy as fuck! I've brought new things vocally to the table, alongside killer tunes and together with Logan Mader producing WE in the band have managed to craft and record something very special!

We have the title for the record and opening track."

Stay tuned for further updates from the band.

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