DIMMU BORGIR's Shagrath - "We Are A Band That Always Wants To Take Things Into New Directions"

January 20, 2011, 13 years ago

news life in black dimmu borgir

Russia's Darkside e-zine has posted an interview with DIMMU BORGIR vocalist Shagrath. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You have opened a new page in the band’s history after ICS Vortex and Mustis were given the sack. Was this something that absolutely had to be done in order for the band to go through all the recent innovations?

A: "Based on the fact that there were a lot of changes through the last year in the band, and we are a band [that] always wants to take things into new directions anyway; we would have done that with those people or not. It’s a decision we have been thinking [about] before for a long time. We were all about evolving into new directions. We’re never afraid of trying out new stuff: wearing [white] is very different from the regular bands in the same genre. But we stick out anyway. We’re not merely a black metal band; we’re so much more than that. We take the freedom to express ourselves exactly the way we want to, without any other people’s approval."

Read the full interview at this location.

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