DISSECTION - "Where Is The Album?"

November 27, 2005, 18 years ago

news life in black dissection

Swedish black metallers DISSECTION have posted the following messages at their official website:

The Rebirth is over! Since the first determined steps out of a decade-long imprisonment, from a past shrouded in Chaos, Darkness and Death, straight back into the light of the world's extreme music scene, the Rebirth of Dissection was an ecstatic and victorious return for the band and its followers. With over 60 concerts all around the globe since its first magical night the 30th of October 2004 at Arenan, Stockholm, the Rebirth of Dissection manifested what most people thought impossible, to bring a band like Dissection back to the head of the game after the controversy and turbulence surrounding the group's absense during more than 8 years… and at it's final return surpassing all previous success with ease! While the Rebirth of Dissection turned out a triumphant journey back into the light, it yet seems to be leading further on straight into the dark!

It is now several months since the band last was seen and reportedly they have lately denied any presence in the music media. They seem to have stopped doing concerts as well, except for two exclusive shows scheduled around new year. The Rebirth is over. Remaining is but the memories of what we just have witnessed. The hordes chanting "Die-section, Die-section…", like there would be no end! Will these two exclusive remaining concerts be the last time we may behold this wrathful entity again on stage? What lies beyond the horizon??"

In another update, the band have posted the following:

"Dissection were earlier this year said to have entered the studio to begin the supposed recordings of their long awaited follow up to 1995's classic album Storm Of The Light's Bane. The recordings were said to take place at the totally unknown location referred to as Black Syndicate Studios, Stockholm, Sweden. Eleven songs were to be recorded for this album, eagerly anticipated by fans all around the world, an album that soon has been taking almost 11 years to manifest… an album that the band itself regarded to be "a work of Sonic Black Magic"… Still no signs are to be found. Where is "The Album"?"

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