Ex-TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA Vocalist Michael Lanning - "They Were Some Of The Best Years I Had Performing"

March 20, 2013, 11 years ago

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Dan Roth at Music & Art Interviews recently caught up with former TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA vocalist and actor Michael Lanning for a career-spanning interview and discussion on his forthcoming solo album. An excerpt is available below:

Roth: The early West Coast cast is really revered by fans...

Lanning: "Al Pitrelli (guitars / SAVATAGE) and I had that bit together and we were always mugging and challenging each other, making the audience laugh. Tommy Farese was just a nuthouse - he was so much fun. He was the emcee and he started introducing me as 'The Most Soulful White Man on the Planet' - that's where I got that moniker from. And Tony Gaynor with his very droll delivery of the story and Bart Shatto as the bum singing 'Old City Bar'. It was really something - it was really a special thing.

Funny story about Bart. He would get his make-up and wig on and get dressed up as a bum for 'Old City Bar' and he used to stay in character and wander around the arena and pick through trashcans. I used to tease and screw with him because he would not break character. I used to point him out to the arena security, telling them 'That guy shouldn't be here, you gotta kick him out...' (laughs). One time we were in Portland and he was literally being escorted out by security - he had this wild-eyed look as he was looking back at me and still not breaking character. At the last possible moment, I finally told the security 'Hey it's cool, he's in the band.' I love Bart; he is such a sweetheart.

When it was fun, it was the best. They were some of the best years I had performing. Especially with Al Pitrelli, Jane Mangini, John O. Reilly and Steve Murphy on drums, Johnny Lee Middleton and the cast of singers - it was so much fun, so healthy. We created such a good vibe on stage, and that translated to the audience."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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