Former GOD FORBID Guitarist Dallas Coyle Blogs About Why Musicians Should Have A Voice Outside Of Their Music

May 27, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

MetalSucks blogger and ex-GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has posted the latest edition of his controversial column The Hard R. In this week's edition, Dallas talks about why he thinks artists should be allowed to have a voice that extends beyond just their art.

An excerpt follows:

"Maybe that's the reason we should speak out. So we can understand how full of shit we really are. Musicians and artists are full of shit for the most part; journalists, bloggers, entertainers are too. We're in the business of selling people and getting an emotional reaction from them. It's very rare where you hit something that's important in a social context or has real meaning. I think it's important to speak out enough to where you're lucky enough to hit that nerve, if it still exists.

That's one thing that bothers me about the metal scene to a certain extent. When you're unknown you can do no wrong. When you're popular you're at the will of the people who made you popular, which makes you a slave to their preconditions. They want a part of you but only certain parts. I get it. You're not married to a band. It's not 'til death do us part. But understand that people are people whether they punch numbers or play an A chord. But respect their opinion even if you don't agree.

Isn't this the reason why blogs are so popular? Anyone can state their opinion. Look at the growth of Metalsucks over the past year and a half. It's grown immensely because people respect the opinions of the writers on the site. They come here for a point of view they can't get anywhere else. I think it's great that they have musicians give their perspective because there really isn't a platform for that sort of discussion.

I understand people get angry at me because I speak about shit besides metal, but metal to me can get very boring. I'm a well-educated metalhead. I know my history and I know my shit, but I'm no teacher.

If you have any questions about the music business I'll use my next blog to answer them. I'll answer ten questions that you have. Make them good, pussies."

Read more at this location.

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