Former HADES Guitarist Scott LePage - New Interview Available

August 19, 2008, 16 years ago

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The following interview with former HADES guitarist Scott LePage has been posted online:

Q: What did you know about Hades BEFORE you joined?

A: "My friend and PROPHECY drummer Joe D'Angeli turned me on to Hades in High School. I first saw Hades play in my high school battle of the bands when I was just starting out in Prophecy. I was enamored by Hades at that time because they looked so professional and had super long hair. Once at a Prophecy gig at some school gym (Alan was in the band by then), Joe came running up to us "backstage" and said 'HADES JUST WALKED IN!' We were freakin' out! I still don't know why they came or how they heard of us at the time!"

Q: What was your favorite Hades memory?

A: "Probably recording Resisting Success at Fox Studios. It was a great time and great learning experience. I wish we could do that again!"

Q: Which CD is your favorite?

A: "I always loved Resisting Success but am disappointed in the recording quality. I think Exist To Resist and Savior Self are tied for favorite CDs."

Q: What is your biggest Hades regret?

A: "Quitting the band at 19 years old."

Q: Your son Scottie plays metal. Would you like to see him make it a career?

A: "Yes and no. I would love to see him make some form of music a career but it's so hard to "make it" in a metal band. He's got the chops and that's what he wants to do for now so I'll support him every way I can."

Q: Tell us about the Metal Blade years from 1999-2001?

A: "Fun because it was a side project. Exist To Resist and Savior Self are great albums and were fun to create at Big Blue Meanie studio, however, I wish Tim had air conditioning in that place!. I wish we gigged more for those 2 CDs but since I was in Texas for Savior Self, I guess that would have been hard."

Q: What do you do for a living now?

A: "I am a Test Engineer for a Telecom company."

Q: How can people contact you?

A: here.

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