FOZZY In-Store Confirmed For Toronto

May 11, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news fozzy

FOZZY frontman Chris Jericho will take part in a signing session at the Sunrise Superstore in Toronto, ON on Monday, May 17 - Jericho will be signing copies of the band's new album, Chasing The Grail at 2:30 PM.'s Martin Popoff spoke with Jericho about Chasing The Grail recently. When asked what is the mission of this new Fozzy record versus All That Remains the singer/WWE star responded:

"Well, this is our fourth record, and in a lot of ways it’s basically our second record, because it's the second all-original record we've done. It's also the first record that Rich (Ward) and I had written from scratch together. In the past, on the stuff we did, he would have some riffs, and I would have some lyrics that I kind of worked with and messed around with, and this time I wrote about 14 or 15 sets of lyrics, I gave them all to him, and he started constructing his riffs and song structures based on my lyrics. And as a result, it's much more cohesive; it tells much more of a story than All That Remains. That album was more of a pastiche, a patchwork sort of record, whereas this one tells a story all the way through. Also there was no rush. The last one was more like, okay, I've got to get it done in a month, get it done in two months. Now it was more like do it until it feels right, where we’re feeling it, and go from there. So that's the big difference right off the bat. And we’re using some of our influences we never used before. As soon as we started doing the record, I always want to do a long song. I was always a fan of ‘Rime Of The Ancient Mariner’ and ‘Keeper Of The Seven Keys’, and that was my only mission, that there has to be a long song on this record. That was kind of a mission of mine before we got started.”

Read the entire interview here.

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