Frontman Eric Adams: "MANOWAR Are Innovators"

March 15, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news manowar

Dave' has issued an interview with MANOWAR frontman Eric Adams, conducted by David Iozzia, in which he discusses the band's new CD Gods Of War, their recent DVD, tour plans for 2007, future CDs, and a whole lot more. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Looking past the song titles and lyrics, Manowar never strays from its heavy metal style, so how does Gods Of War take it to a new level musically?

A: "Manowar are innovators. We don't copy others, and we're not afraid to try new things. We have a set of nuts, and we use them! We try it, and we play from the heart. If we fall on our face, at least we tried. This new record isn't just metal; it's the birth of a different and new metal. We take it to another place. Metal doesn't just have to be ass-kicking guitars and fast track songs. Metal is a feel that you can also get from slow songs as well as fast songs if you use the right instruments. I think we've done that by letting the instruments speak for themselves. It really works! When I'm watching a scene in a movie, without music, it doesn't have the same feel. Music, not the visual effects, gives you the feelings of sadness or triumph. Manowar uses that approach a lot on "Gods of War" with orchestral music, including instruments like French horns, which indicate triumph, and strings, which will put you in a different place. We want the music to put you where you have to be, and then we bring in the vocals to tell the story. The music alone takes you to a fantasy place that we've put you in. That's the exciting part about the music on this album; everybody has a different feeling about what Valhalla would be like for them. We've taken a mythological story that's been written about for thousands of years, and we've put it to metal music."

See the full interview at this location.

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