GENE SIMMONS Writing Influenced By BOB DYLAN

June 17, 2004, 20 years ago

news rock hard gene simmons bob dylan

The following report comes from (

BOB DYLAN and KISS' GENE SIMMONS? Talk about the sacred and the profane - but the two seemingly opposite musicians collaborated on 'Waiting For The Morning Light', which appears on Simmons' new solo album, Asshole (Simmons/Sanctuary).

Simmons says he and Dylan began the song nine years ago, when he cold-called the legendary singer-songwriter. "That's the way I do things," Simmons explains. " 'Hi Bob, it's Gene Simmons, the guy who sticks his tongue out. Wanna write a song together?' 'Sure, Mr. Kiss!' "

The two came up with a rhythm pattern and a melody for the song, but Dylan insisted that Simmons write the lyrics.

"The interesting thing is the lyric sounds more Dylan than it does Gene Simmons," Simmons says. "I didn't plan it. 'There you sit inside my picture frame/But it's not the same' - I don't write like that, y'know?"

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