GREAT WHITE - Nightclub Fire Victim’s Dad Wants Fed Meeting

September 28, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard great white

The Associated Press is reporting:

The father of the youngest victim of a 2003 nightclub fire that killed 100 people said Monday that he has asked to meet with the new US Attorney in Rhode Island, Peter Neronha, in hopes that he can persuade him to investigate the blaze.

Dave Kane’s 18-year-old son Nicholas O’Neill died in the Feb. 20, 2003 fire in West Warwick, which began when pyrotechnics used by the rock band GREAT WHITE ignited foam that club owners Jeffrey and Michael Derderian had used as soundproofing.

Kane said he sent a letter to Neronha last week, asking him to look into the case. In 2006, the Derderians and Great White’s tour manager pleaded no contest to 100 counts of involuntary manslaughter charges in state court.

Neronha has received a letter from Kane, said spokesman Tom Connell. But Connell wouldn’t discuss the letter.

Shortly after the fire, Kane met with previous U.S. Attorney Robert Clark Corrente, but his office did not get involved in the case. Kane said he hoped Neronha’s office would at least open a preliminary investigation, and his goal is to change system to prevent a similar tragedy from happening in the future.

“It’s about seeing to it that something really gets done,“ he said. “I’m looking for another bite of this apple.“

Kane has long criticized state Attorney General Patrick Lynch’s handling of the case, alleging that the prosecution was tainted from the start by corruption and politics. He and others also have complained that the sentences were too light, and not enough people were charged.

Of the three who pleaded no contest in the case, Michael Derderian received the harshest sentence, serving less than three years in prison. The band’s tour manager, Daniel Biechele, served less than two years. Jeffrey Derderian avoided prison time.

A Lynch spokeswoman did not immediately return a call seeking comment Monday.

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