Guitarist Craig Locicero - SPIRALARMS "Is Almost Done With The Recording Process Of Our First Full Length Record"

November 4, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news spiralarms

Guitarist Craig Locicero (FORBIDDEN) from California thrashers SPIRALARMS has issued the following update:

"I want to invite anyone who's even remotely close to SpiralArms first two Bay Area gigs in a long, long time, to get off your collective asses and be a part of something special. A lot of crazy things happened to us in the last couple of years. Tim (Narducci - vocals/guitar) and Cornbread (bass) made a record and toured the US with WHITE WITCH CANYON, twice. I've been getting my metal on and have toured Europe, the States and Japan with Forbidden. Brad has been gettin' his shit kickers out jamming with PAUL TOLLE and THE DEAD MAN BAND. We have two new members in Greg Narducci (sound like somebody's bro?) on rhythm guitar and Ron Redeen on drums. And we almost tumbled out of existence before we took a good look at what we had. Something we believe to be very cool.

We've been working very hard and put ourselves back together stronger then ever! Spiral is almost done with the recording process of our first full length record, Highest Society. It is, simply, a motherfucker! The record that Tim and I have been trying to make since we started playing together in 2004. Just too many bumps in the road to ever get done properly, until now. This is our baby. More straight ahead and raw then anything recorded previously by the band. And there was some really great stuff in that catalogue of material. But we've moved on from those early days and refined our sound.

So, back to the dirty, dank, beer and vomit stenched clubs for us! Maybe it's not the dream setting for us and our arena rock hooks, but we've gotta re-start it up all over again just like this. Playing in front of human beings with a heartbeat and soul will be massively gratifying! In other words, we couldn't be happier!

So come out and be a part of the re-birth of SpiralArms. Everyone is welcome, we mean everyone! The first show is the Friday in Modesto and the Modesto Virtual (all ages), then Saturday at the Time Out in Concord."

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