GUNS N' ROSES - Sign The Dr. Pepper Chinese Democracy Fiasco Petition

November 28, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard guns roses

There is currently an online petition regarding the "Dr. Pepper Fiasco" regarding GUNS N' ROSES Chinese Democracy. It reads as follows:

In March of 2008, Dr Pepper offered a free Dr Pepper (20 ounce drink) to everyone in America (this means North America and South America and Central America if GUNS N' ROSES released Chinese Democracy by the end of 2008.

Guns N' Roses released Chinese Democracy on November 23 2008, Dr Pepper on that day setup their promotion via their website.

The problem?

1) No promotion to let everyone know in America about it.

2) Once on the website it was either hidden or put in the bottom left corner, without any mention of this promotion being tied to GNR's newest release.

3) Website errors.

4) Website down.

5) Phoneline down.

6) If you tried to get your free Dr. Pepper, the website would NOT allow for other individuals on the same computer to register for their free Dr. Peppper. Telling you "You have already registered" Without even asking or checking to see if it was the same individual or not.

7) Nowhere in the fields to be filled to receive your Dr Pepper did it allow everyone in America to get their Dr Pepper, only US residents.

8) This promotion was only for 1 day (24 hours) only.

Alll evidence indicates a SCAM on their behalf!

Petition: We, the undersigned, call on Dr Pepper to stay true to their words to offer 1 free Dr Pepper drink to everyone in America.

Sign the petition here.

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