ICARUS WITCH - Bassist Acknowledged By PETA

March 14, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news icarus witch peta

ICARUS WITCH bassist Jason Myers has issued the following update:

"In a recent interview with LivingForMetal.com, the interviewer asked me a question about being vegan. Once this interview went public I was asked by the animal rights group, PETA, to further comment on this. Today, they posted a blog about my comments on www.peta2.com

While I certainly have never intended to speak for the others in the band in terms of animal rights or personal pagan beliefs, I am proud to be in a group with members who have a deep respect for nature and her beasts.

As long time vegan, I'm very thankful for the recognition of PETA as well, because regardless of your choices you must respect an organization that gives a voice to the defenseless and uncovers cruel abusive behavior that may otherwise go undetected.

Talk about fighting the system and standing up for your beliefs, often on the opposing side of authority, wealthy corporations and society...

To me, that's very metal!"


Click here to read PETA's comments on Myers. Go to this location to check out the LivingForMetal.com interview.

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