IN FLAMES Guitarist Björn Gelotte - "Music For Us Is Dead Serious, But You Should Be Able To Laugh Around It"

October 23, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news in flames

Jenna Williams at recently caught up with IN FLAMES guitarist Björn Gelotte. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

JW: When you're writing an album, or recording, how do you really try to incorporate some of that energy that you get from doing a live show into the album?

Gelotte: "I think the important thing is to find the right dynamics in the song because you can't keep all that energy up. I mean, in the music; it's not like we're running around doing back flips and stuff like that. But it's within the music and that comes through good arrangements, I think, or really well thought through arrangements and dynamics of the song, and of course to add some hooks in there, melodies that people remember, that helps too."

JW: Like 'The Quiet Place'...

Gelotte: "Yeah, exactly! And trying to invite the audience up on stage, basically. I mean, in a mental sense, you know? I think that's important, and it gives us the most pleasure if we manage to do that in a proper way because that gives so much back."

JW: As you said, you try to invite the audience on stage, how do you do that exactly, or how does that happen?

Gelotte: "We love what we do, we really do. And that's why there's always huge smiles on our faces when we play. Music for us is dead serious. But you should be able to have the (inaudible) in the eye or whatever. You should be able laugh around it, have a good time. I think that shows up and that's one way of inviting people. And also not trying to be behind, like I am right now, sunglasses or a huge image or something. We've never had that. And we kind of focus more on the music than looks, you know?"

Go to this location for the complete interview. Check out BW&BK;'s interview with Gelotte and In Flames frontman Anders Friden here.

Sounds Of A Playground Fading is out now. The tracklist is as follows:

'Sounds Of A Playground Fading'

'Deliver Us'

'All For Me'

'The Puzzle'

'Fear Is The Weakness'

'Where The Dead Ships Dwell'

'The Attic'

'Darker Times'


'Enter Tragedy'

'Jester’s Door'

'A New Dawn'


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