INSOMNIUM - New Interview With Guitarist VILLE FRIMAN Available

December 2, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news insomnium ville friman recently hooked up with INSOMNIUM guitarist Ville Friman to discuss th eband's new album, Above The Weeping World. The followinf is a brief excerpt from the interview:

MrRock: Can you describe the band’s songwriting process?

Ville Friman: "Well, I could say that it’s 10% inspiration and 90% of hard work. I and Niilo work at home and come up riffs, melodies and the parts. Usually I like to make song as finished as possible and record a demo which I send to other guys for a listen. Sometimes songs work out like that but usually we arrange and polish them up in rehearsing room. We are kind of democratic bands and that goes also in songwriting in form of arranging. When we are putting riffs together everyone makes suggestions and if three of four takes one side the one will not argue against them just to make his own mind through. We work with songs as long as it takes; we have to get the feeling that this is how the song should sound like."

MrRock: Above The Weeping World is your third album. How has the band progressed since 2002’s In The Halls Of Awaiting?

Ville Friman: "I would say that we have progressed mostly with the arrangements. In the first album we had few way of doing songs and I think we have turned more varied now. I mean, we have always had trashy heavy parts and slow doom parts but I think it’s until now we have actually learned to make them work together within one song. I think we also take more influences from wider genres nowadays than 6 years ago and that also make your music more varied and interesting in my opinion. But basically we have just been developing our sound and doing our thing from the day The Halls was released and this is how we have progressed. "

To read the entire interview go to this location.

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