KAMELOT Frontman ROY KHAN - "There Are A Lot Of Bands That I Feel Don’t Put Enough Into The Lyrics"

June 1, 2009, 15 years ago

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KAMELOT frontman Roy Khan is featured in a new interview with Rocknotes Webzine. An excerpt is available below.

Q: In the song 'Temples Of Gold' (from the Karma album), there’s the lyric ‘little did we know that they were life itself, the days passing by’. That’s just pure poetry. You don’t even need a song behind it, it’s a piece of poetry that will stick in my mind forever. How does it feel to touch so many people with your words?

Khan: "The lyrics have always been really important to me. There’s so many bands that, I don’t know how they feel about it themselves, of course, but there are a lot of bands that I feel don’t put enough into the lyrics. They focus on the music and song and everything’s great but the lyrics seem to be lacking something. There’s other bands that have brilliant lyrics too and much better lyrics for that matter. In our genre I feel there’s a lot of lyrics that definitely could have been more worked on, let’s put it that way. I guess it’s just that I like to play with words, I like to say things in ways that make people stop and think. It’s very important to me. I really like writing lyrics. It doesn’t always take that long though, even though people may think that [laughs]. A lot of my lyrics are written like the day before or the same day that I’m going into the studio. I seem to be working the absolute best while under pressure. So that’s most often done very late in the process. It was a little bit different with The Black Halo and Epica because the story had to come first of course but on a lot of the songs we just had the lyrical idea not the whole song written out word by word but we just had rough ideas of what the song should be about."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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