KRUX Play Holland; Photos, Setlist Revealed

September 19, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news krux

KRUX, the Swedish doom band featuring CANDLEMASS mainman/bassist Leif Edling, ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN/THERION singer Mats Levén, ex-ENTOMBED drummer Peter Stjärnvind, guitarist Jörgen Sandstrom (THE PROJECT HATE, ex-ENTOMBED/GRAVE), guitarist Fredrik Åkesson (ex-ARCH ENEMY) and keyboardist Carl Westholm, have issued the following update:

"Krux had a blast in Holland last week! We flew in to Eindhoven with Mats Björkman from Candlemass and Marcus Jidell from ROYAL HUNT in the luggage.

It’s not easy to do gigs with both your guitarists missing (Fredrik out with OPETH, Jörgen home with his family), but both Mappe and Marcus did nice jobs indeed!!

The band sounded just great, even though Carl had some problems with the keyboard.

Here’s the setlist: 'Serpent', 'Popocatepetl', 'Black Room', 'Devil Sun', 'Sea Of Doom', 'Pirates', 'Nimis', 'Omfalos', 'Depressive Strokes Of Indigo'.

Thanks to Cristel Brouwer for the photos. You can see more at"

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