LAMB OF GOD Drummer CHRIS ADLER On Working With MEGADETH - "I Love Being There, But That's Not Where Home Is For Me"

July 4, 2015, 8 years ago

news lamb of god chris adler megadeth heavy metal

LAMB OF GOD Drummer CHRIS ADLER On Working With MEGADETH - "I Love Being There, But That's Not Where Home Is For Me"

Lamb Of God drummer Chris Adler (pictured left) recently guested on Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta's official podcast, The Jasta Show. He discussed working on the new Megadeth album and his interaction with frontman/founder Dave Mustaine, as well as getting his Lamb Of God bandmates' blessing to record with the Megadeth crew.

It was recently confirmed that Adler will be behind the kit for Megadeth’s July 18th performance at the Festival D'été De Québec in Quebec City, QC.

During the recent Comicpalooza in Houston, Texas, Megadeth bassist David Ellefson participated in a question and answer session, moderated by MSRcast. The entire audio component can be heard via the player below, but a brief excerpt has been transcribed, focusing on Lamb Of God drummer Chris Adler, who plays on the forthcoming, as yet untitled Megadeth album.

"Chris is such a fan of Megadeth. Chris playing with Megadeth would be like me joining KISS. We're, like, his favorite band ever and the band that got him into music. I mean, he's so humbly appreciative of the opportunity and being part of this. And so, anyway, we've talked about shows coming up, [and] Chris was, like, 'Dude, I'll move anything I can anywhere to try to make it happen; I just wanna play with Megadeth.' He may play one show with us and go, 'That's it. I'm done. I don't ever wanna do that again.' So we'll find out as it's coming up. But the goal is Chris would like to play with us as much as possible. And we are still looking to where is the best time to release this new record, so as we're looking at some dates coming up, they're not necessarily predicated on the new album being out. And I guess it's kind of a cool thing with Megadeth - we can play shows and not necessarily have to have a new album to go play those."


A brief video clip of drummer Chris Adler rehearsing a new Megadeth song (title unknown) in the studio recently surfaced; check it out below.

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