LAMB OF GOD Guitarist Mark Morton - "We've Learned A Lot From METALLICA"

February 6, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news lamb of god metallica

LAMB OF GOD guitarist Mark Morton is featured in a new interview with An excerpt is available below:

UG: You also went out with METALLICA for the World Magnetic Tour.

Morton: "We were for several legs of it for part of the Wrath tour cycle. It’s funny to do these interviews because I’m reminded of everything. You get back to your normal life and everything sort of just fades into the fabric of what our lives are. But yeah, now I think about it, 'Wow, we went to India and we were on tour with Metallica three times.' Pretty incredible. Yeah, we toured North America, Europe and Australia with Metallica. They were incredibly gracious hosts and we learned a lot from those guys. It was just exciting to get to know them on a personal level and realize that they’re really committed, down-to-earth guys who are very serious about their music and very grateful about their position in the music industry. They take it seriously but they have a lot of fun with it as well. I think their outlook and the vision on the whole thing is one of the things I’ve carried away with me as one of the more inspirational elements of what I got out of that experience."

UG: Musically did Metallica open your eyes in any way?

Morton: "Well the thing is I’ve been a Metallica fan since I first heard Ride The Lightning. I think I’ve been inspired by them on a musical level for decades. They’ve veered off into more commercial ventures over the course of their career and I didn’t necessarily follow them through all of that just because of the timing and where I was in my own tastes musically. And that’s fine but I have a huge respect for them having done that. I think it was a big risk and they pulled it off like no one ever has and there’s a lot to be said for that. But I have a huge respect and admiration for their guts in doing that and how well they executed it. But my point is that watching them play, watching their set—and I watched them a lot—it’s not too much that anything was really new to me in terms of how they construct songs or that riff, 'Wow, I’m inspired by that riff.' I already knew that stuff."

UG: It was more their attitude than the music?

Morton: "I think what inspired me was the fact that these guys switch up their set list every single night. They practice and rehearse for 45 minutes to an hour as a band before they take the stage. I don’t mean like we’d strap on our guitars and warm up for 10 or 15 minutes. They have the luxury of having their own practice room but they set up and play as a band for better than 45 minutes before they ever take the stage. You’ll be walking down the hallway and hear them learning one of their songs that they maybe haven’t played in a couple months. Rehearsing it and getting it back up to speed because they’re gonna play it that night and they may not have played it for a month—or a year. I think they keep themselves interested and they certainly keep the fans interested by doing things like that. That is the kind of stuff that inspired me and that was the kind of stuff that made me take a look and see how we could get better."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Lamb Of God's new album, Resolution, entered America's Billboard 200 chart at #3, shifting upward of 50,000 units in that country. In Canada, Resolution enters the Album Chart at #2, kept from the top spot by ADELE.

Resolution has hit the following charts around the world:

Canada - #2

Australia - #3

US - #3

UK - #19

Check out scribe Greg Pratt's new Lamb Of God story at this location.

Lamb Of God's video for the track 'Ghost Walking' can be seen below:

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