LEE AARON - Rarities, Studio And Live 1981 – 2008 DVD In The Works, New Road Story Blog Online

September 13, 2009, 15 years ago

lee aaron news rock hard dvd

Canada's former '80s "Metal Queen" Lee Aaron, who has become infamous in recent years for trashing the rock and metal scene that made her, has posted a new road story and information on an upcoming DVD retrospective. An excerpt from the blog is available below.

"So, I actually have a lame excuse for not blogging in ages this time.

For months now, John and I have been going through reams and reams of old Lee Aaron footage, trying to piece together a new DVD anthology. It’s been a painful process, really – watching me, me and more bloody me. True enough, anyone who gets up in front of hundreds, sometimes thousands of people nightly to perform and get approval is a bit of narcissist, but I think that part of me has well been beaten down by motherhood. A good thing, probably.

Most nights all I could think about was how much sleep I was sacrificing, never mind finding the time to blog. The good news is that it is finally done. The authoring part anyway. Masters were sent to the manufacturer this week and it will be available end of September:

Lee Aaron Rarities, Studio And Live 1981 – 2008. Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

I had no idea there was so much stuff collecting dust in my basement. Right about 1987 - my hair was absolutely insane. Embarrassing and super big, but at least I’m singing in pitch.

Red-Eyes To Halifax

Now there’s a thought. I promised to blog about that. It has long since become just a bad travel memory, but I’ll do my best.

It was going to be perfect.

I had planned the trip myself, down to the smallest detail. We would fly out in the evening from Vancouver, arrive in Halifax around 6am with the time change, get to the hotel by 7, and sleep till just before sound check at 4pm the following day. My logic was that we wouldn’t have to spend the entire day before the gig traveling and everyone could spend a little more time at home with family, etc.

Upstairs, God was snickering. I’m sure of it.

It all started out cheerful enough.

First, we had a short stopover in Calgary. Well, it was supposed to be short. The flight to Halifax would be delayed two hours. Argh. Okay, now we would be getting about five hours of sleep. None of us are 18 anymore, and I particularly DO NOT DO WELL on less than seven hours sleep. I started to get a bit grumpy, but was still optimistic.

Three hours later, we finally boarded flight 221 to Halifax. In desperation, I popped a couple of sleeping pills to try and catch a few ZZZs sitting completely upright in my ultra-comfy, non-reclining, evidently broken economy seat.

Forty five minutes later, I was finally nodding off to a great episode of Mad Men, when the Captain’s voice came bellowing from the speaker above my head clean and sharp. I lurched forward, giving myself a neck-kink.

'Sorry to inform you folks but we are going to have to land in Toronto as there seems to be a malfunction with the navigational equipment on this aircraft.'

You’ve got to be @#**& kidding me!*!*!"

Go to this location for the complete blog.

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