MALICE Guitarist Mick Zane Comments On Renewed Interest From Promoters: "It's Kinda Ironic And Funny In A Way..."

February 5, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news malice has issued an interview with guitarist Mick Zane of resurrected '80s Los Angeles metal legends MALICE, conducted by Michael Fischer. The following is an excerpt:

Q: So what's on tap for the upcoming Malice reunion?

A: "At this point, the Malice reunion consists of three original members, which include myself, Mark (Behn) on bass, and Jay (Reynolds) on guitar. Throughout the years we’ve played with other musicians in different situations and we’ve decided to bring drummer Pete Holmes into the mix. And then through another band in Portland that Jay recently played in, we decided to audition vocalist Brian Allen.

We contacted our original singer James Neal, and he said he didn’t want to be involved with a reunion for now. Jay is currently out on the road touring with METAL CHURCH. So Mark and I are writing material and coming up with ideas for the new record here in my home studio sending songs to Brian to write lyrics for our demo."

Q: I understand Malice is receiving a lot of nice offers from rock promoters eager to get you guys on the Head Banger Festivals in Europe this summer?

A: "Yeah, it’s kinda ironic and funny in a way because we worked so hard at it in the 80s trying to get Malice exposed. And back then it was nearly impossible to get anything heavy on the radio. Now the situation’s so much different. It’s cool to get that kind of response that people are even interested, because let’s face it; it was 16 years ago. We’ve got some great responses from promoters looking to book us for European rock festivals this summer and we’ve even got an offer to play The Monterey Metal Festival in Mexico. We are looking at touring the US after Europe possibly in the Fall of 2007 or early 2008. And we’ll probably do even a couple surprise Malice spontaneous gigs in the LA or San Diego area to hone our craft."

Check out the full interview here.

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