MEGADETH - Drummer Shawn Drover To Sign Autographs In Costa Rica

November 20, 2011, 12 years ago

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MEGADETH drummer Shawn Drover will be signing autographs at Bansbach San José (11th Street, 1st Avenue) San José Downtown in Costa Rica on Friday, December 2 at 4pm. For more details click here.

Drover is featured in a new interview with Roadrunner Records, the second in a four-part series of interviews with all four members of Megadeth leading up to the release of TH1RT3EN on November 1st. An excerpt is available below:

Q: How did recording TH1RT3EN compared to your previous experiences doing Megadeth records?

Drover: "It's weird—speaking for myself, but I think I can say that for pretty much everybody, the record was a very easy process. I'm not really sure why. Everything went very smoothly, we just rolled along and got things done at a very quick pace. We had about nine weeks between tours to record this record, and we really pulled it off. We're ecstatic about the results of the record. We think it's a great record, and we hope the fans will as well. I think the biggest difference between this and United Abominations, Endgame before it, and so on and so forth, is how easy it was. There is no special reason why. Everything just seemed to click. Songs came together very well and very effortlessly, and it was just a really enjoyable record for us to make. Certainly on my behalf, that's for sure."

Q: Did having David Ellefson back after a long absence contribute to that ease?

Drover: "You know, I don't think that contributed to the record being easier. He had a lot of input on the riffs we used, but we all did, we all fed off of each other. Dave (Mustaine) has such a library of riffs that he's recorded on tour, riffs that we've recorded on previous tours. He just keeps everything on file, so he's got such an abundance of riffs, partial songs, finished songs, all sorts of things he can choose from that we never have an issue like, 'Oh, we don't have enough material.' We always have more than enough material. Which is a great thing to have. So it's not the reason the record was easier to make, but I'll tell you what, it was great being on a record, for me personally, with both Daves. He was one of the ones that started the band, and having him back in the band and back on the record is certainly a great thing in my opinion. I'm loving it. We get along very well, and I'm glad he's back in the band."

Click here for the complete interview.

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