METALLICA: Enter Night - The Biography Author MICK WALL To Release "Big AC/DC Book" In 2012

January 14, 2011, 13 years ago

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Sweden's Metal Shrine has issued an interview with British rock n’ roll journalist Mick Wall. In the interview Wall talks about his newly released book, METALLICA: Enter Night - The Biography, and mentions an upcoming AC/DC book in 2012. The following are a couple of excepts from the interview, conducted by Niclas Müller-Hansen:

Q: Was there a lot of stuff that didn´t make the cut in the book?

A: "Yes, all the stuff that the lawyers forced me to take out. The situation in the UK is very drastic now with privacy laws almost preventing you from saying anything bad about anybody in a book. Other sections I had to tone down. Ultimately, though. I got my meaning across. The truth is the truth whatever way you tell it, for those that have eyes to see, not just blinkered fans who see only what they want to."

Q: Who would you say is the main man in Metallica, Lars or James, and why so?

A: "Both. Lars was the instigator but it soon became equal. It's very chicken and egg now."

Q: What´s your take on (ex-Metallica bassist) Jason (Newsted)? I recently talked to Ross Halfin who said he was "a dick" from the get go.

A: "Jason was always going to be the odd man out. Never going to win. As the book reveals, they decided they didn't like him after a few weeks and tried to fire him but their manager very astutely advised against it, so he became like a glorified hired hand instead. A shame but, hey, he could have left a lot earlier than he did. Instead he hung around, put up with all their shit and became a millionaire several times over, poor guy."

Q: What will be your next book project?

A: "It's being discussed right now so I don't really know yet. There's going to be a big AC/DC book in 2012 but maybe something else first, later this year."

Read the complete interview at Metal Shrine.

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