MICHAEL ANGELO BATIO - "Mozart, In My Opinion, Was One Of The Greatest Geniuses That Has Ever Lived"

June 13, 2010, 14 years ago

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Guitarist Michael Angelo Batio (ex-NITRO) is featured in a new interview with the online fanzine Hard Harder Heavy. An excerpt is available below:

Q: As a young session musician was there ever, perhaps only the shadow of a doubt in your mind, that you would not be successful? Talent and hard work does not necessarily mean you become successful? Look at Van Gogh; he painted over 800 paintings but did sell only one in his lifetime. He is one of the most famous painters now but was very poor when he lived.

Batio: "I was a top session guitarist starting at age 19. The time when I had doubts was when I moved to Los Angeles and was struggling just to survive. My band HOLLAND was recording demos, prior to our record deal, with the help of a 'bigtime' producer named Tom Werman (POISON, CHEAP TRICK, MÖTLEY CRÜE) I was recording rhythm guitars at the time. Tom was not in the studio when I was recording but would come in and check on things during these initial sessions. He came into the studio and listened to what I had just recorded. I had never met him before this and all he said - in front of everyone there was that what I played was WRONG! I was stunned. After he said that, I calmly walked out of the control room and went into the Men's bathroom. I looked into the mirror at myself and said that if I can't take this criticism I don't belong in L.A. I walked back into the studio and very nicely said 'Tom, the progression is based off of the B Phrygian mode. The notes and parts I am playing are correct.' He listened again to the song and said - 'Yes, you are right.' I knew then that I had what it took to make it big in music."

Q: You once said that you would love to be on stage with Mozart if he was still alive. Why did you say Mozart and not Beethoven? Beethoven seems to be "more metal". His style is darker and more powerful and he sure did lay down some heavy tunes. In a TV show, a music professor here in Germany once said: "If Beethoven were alive today, he would make symphonic metal." Malmsteen is a Bach fan and you like Mozart; interesting.

Batio: "Mozart, in my opinion was one of the greatest geniuses that has ever lived. I love the fact that he could use the major scale and still be so majestic. I also love the Classic era style of music that he and Haydn were a part of."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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