MOONSPELL Frontman Appears In Saga: Opera Extravagante; Video Footage Available

June 20, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news moonspell

MOONSPELL frontman Fernando Ribeiro recently popped in to announce that the opera he is involved in - Saga: Opera Extravagante - would be having it's premiere last night (Thursday, June 19th) in Lisbon, Portugal.

Video footage from the performance has surfaced and can be viewed below...

Check out a poster for the event on the left (click to enlarge).

As previously reported, BW&BK; recently caught up with Fernando Ribeiro to discuss the band's new album, Night Eternal. The following is an excerpt from the interview, with Ribeiro discussing his inspiration as a lyricist.

"We are not the most talented band in the world but we definitely know the value of working," says Ribeiro. "Whenever we have an ambition we go for it, and that is always followed by a path or an idea, or at least a plan to make it happen. There’s truth behind the conviction that nothing is too intellectual for a crowd. To say that I’m more intelligent than the fans is to say I’m superior to my crowd, and that’s dangerous. I think that when a band starts doing that you can forget about them. If you’re crowd pleasing rather than crowd challenging you’re not going anywhere. So yeah, I always try to do deep stuff, to come up with concepts for every album, or at least try to rewrite some of the concepts we’ve done in the past.

“I’ve always approached metal as intelligent as well as emotional music," he adds. "If you read Maiden or Metallica lyrics, it’s not the same as reading pop music lyrics. It’s meaningful, it’s poetic, and those people took time to write. That’s what I wanted to do with Moonspell, not just write some fillers with fast riffs and cheesy keyboard intros.”

Watch for the complete interview in BW&BK; #112.

Moonspell's new video for the track 'Scorpion Flower' is available below...

Scorpion Flower

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