MOTÖRHEAD Mainman Lemmy - "JIMI HENDRIX Was An Exceptionally Nice Geezer"

June 9, 2007, 17 years ago

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The Times Online spoke to MOTÖRHEAD legend Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister recently about a number of topics. A couple of excerpts follow from the story found here.

Lemmy on his music: “We make the same kind of music because we like it,” said Lemmy to the Times Online. “What the fuck other reason is there for doing music? Within that envelope, we do push it. We’ve done tracks where we strayed away from it. But if you have a good idea in the first place, why not enjoy it as that?”

Lemmy on Jimi Hendrix: "Jimi was an exceptionally nice geezer,” he told the Times. “Incredibly old-world manners. If a chick came into the room, he’d jump to his feet, didn’t matter if she was an old biddy or whatever. He’d pull out chairs for chicks, open doors for chicks. I do that and people laugh at me. They don’t cost anything, good manners.”

Lemmy on viagra: “I still use it, now and again,” he quipped to the Times Online. “If Percy isn’t pointing at the pulchritude then he needs a bit of a push. What’s wrong with that?”

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