PROJECT: FAILING FLESH - New Interview Available

November 25, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news failing flesh project

PROJECT: FAILING FLESH, featuring E-FORCE / ex-VOIVOD frontman Eric Forrest, are featured in an interview conducted by Treats From The Underground. The following is an excerpt from the interview with instrumentalist Tim Gutierrez:

Q: Can you describe the cover artwork (for new album The Conjoined) a bit and its meaning? Who did it?

TG: "A guy named Martin Saavedra from a company in Uruguay called Spina Studios is responsible for the art. We just gave him some basic starting points and he came up with it. Basically his idea was cool from the start & we would just comment on details. As far as the meaning, I guess it can be interpreted however one likes. I can't comment for Martin or the other Project: Failing Flesh guys, but to me the human girl with the plastic baby could represent humanity vs. science. Or the plastic nature of the newest generations as opposed to earlier ones. Then above that the fly and torso skeleton could represent failing flesh. There's a few other things that I read into the imagery, but those are sort of the main ones and most obvious, I guess. If my explanations were even anywhere near clear!"

Q: How do you feel the band has evolved, improved or changed from your last album, A Beautiful Sickness, to this release?

TG: "No huge changes really. Maybe the songs this time around turned out a little more dense and require a few more listens to pick up some of the subtleties but they still seem related to the earlier stuff we'd done. Our working situation went easier as we had worked together on the first album and in the meantime had become better friends and knew each others working habits so we were able to get on the same page much quicker. I personally like the new one slightly better so I feel we improved. But that's up to each listener, I guess."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

As previously reported, Forrest has informed BW&BK; that the band's long awaited second album, Modified Poison, is set for a February / March release. It was originally due to be released this fall. An exact date will be announced soon.

Modified Poison will be released through Thundering Records.

The album's lead-off track 'Deviation' can be downloaded at this location.

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