RATT Guitarist WARREN DEMARTINI - "We've Gotten Back To The Two Guitar, Twin Lead Thing; I Know Robbin Would Approve"

July 9, 2009, 15 years ago

warren demartini news rock hard ratt

KNAC.com's David Carr recently caught up with RATT guitarist Warren DeMartini. An excerpt from the interview is available below;

Q: How are things going with the recording of the new disc? When will fans get a chance to hear the new stuff?

DeMartini: "Recording is really going great!! This is our first disc in ten years…it really is going well. We wanted to try something different with this disc. Every album we have done, we have recorded in LA. With this one we decided to try something new so the band and our new producer went to Virginia Beach to record…so far it has been an excellent experience. We are done with the basic tracks. Our recording has overlapped with our tour starting up so as far as a release date goes, we will probably have to release the disc in either January or February."

Q: What’s it like working on a new Ratt record with a new guitar player? How’s recording been with Carlos Cavazo?

DeMartini: "It’s been fantastic! Carlos and I have been good friends since the early days…stylistically we make a good combination. We've gotten back to the two guitar, twin lead thing with Carlos in the band…our styles really mesh together and I know Robbin would approve."

Q: Think back to the bands early success with your first two albums. What are some of your fondest memories from that period? What are the highlights?

DeMartini: "We went from barely filling a small club in Hollywood to selling out The Forum in LA, Madison Square Garden in New York and playing the Castle Donnington Festival! We were fulfilling our dream!"

KNAC.com: What are some of the rougher memories from that time period?

DeMartini: "I think the toughest memories I will always have from that time period is losing Robbin...watching him slip away from us and not knowing what to do about it…not knowing how to help him…I miss playing music with Robbin. I miss surfing with him. I have learned to cope with it but I don’t think I will ever get over his death."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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