SCAR SYMMETRY Guitarist Per Nilsson To Miss European Mini-Tour

February 24, 2014, 10 years ago

hot flashes news scar symmetry

Sweden's SCAR SYMMETRY "regret to inform you that due to a family emergency, (guitarist) Per Nilsson will have to sit out our Eastern Europe mini-tour later this week. You can all rest assured that this wasn't a decision made lightly, but for us, family comes first and Per needs the time off to be with his family. We've decided not to cancel the dates but to carry on with the show and for the first time ever, meet our fans in Russia, Belarus and Latvia! Filling in for Per is UK whiz kid Benjamin Ellis, who came in second place in the guitar solo contest Per did with Guitar Messenger last year. Benjamin has previously toured with Scar Symmetry with his own band BLOODSHOT DAWN."

Per (pictured above) sends his regards: "Hey guys... I'm ok. But some people I hold very dear aren't, and I need to be by their side right now. I was so much looking forward to this tour, but I'm glad the guys will go on without me. I'm lucky to have my buddy Benjamin fill in for me on such short notice, he's such a cool dude and a beyond sick player, and a part of me envy you who will see him rip it on stage this weekend! We will be back soon enough with the full lineup, but for now, have an awesome time in my absence and be safe everyone."

Scar Symmetry's mini-tour of Eastern Europe consists of four shows:


27 - Rock House - Moscow, Russia
28 - Mod - St. Petersburg, Russia


1 - Republic Club - Minsk, Belarus
2 - Nabaklab - Riga, Latvia

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