SEPULTURA's Derrick Green Checks In From India

October 27, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news sepultura

SEPULTURA frontman Derrick Green has issued the following update from India:

"Our journey is a long voyage starting from Sao Paulo Brazil with a quick layover in London then straight to New Delhi. The expectations are running high for everyone because this will be our first time in India for all of us. I have always had a desire to come to India since I was a young boy so this happens to be a very important trip personally.

We descend into New Delhi 11 :30 at night and the city is covered in a soft blanket of smog.The only images that can be made out our the offset yellow street lights and the glowing white headlights of traffic coming to and leaving the airport.

We step of the plane and the scent in the air is strong, it's the first thing that we all notice. It's not a bad scent that we are smelling but a different one that we are not familiar with.

It's a scent of intrigue,curiosity, the unknown.

The airport is under construction but we are easily able to gather our possessions and make our way through customs with no questions or much of a delay.

In the baggage area I see images on the wall of religious characters from the Hindu stories that I read so much about growing up. I start to realize that there will be so much to see in a small period of time but I'm ready for it.

Our tour manager arrived a day early and was there awaiting us along with the the promoter who is putting on all 3 shows. He is friendly and seems to be relived that we all arrived in one piece.

As I take a look around there seems to be a sense of organized confusion happening. People in motion moving there belongings along, people with signs awaiting the arrival of someone whom they do not know. The people who captured most of my attention were the people just sitting there and it didn't seem to matter where or what they were sitting on. No one needed a chair but it didn't matter to them they had a feeling of calmness about them. I felt very foreign pushing my belongings in a panic trying to find figure out where we were going as a group with all our bags and equipment, there was a complete contrast between us and them. It didn't bother me but it was obviously there and hard not to notice.

Once we were set to go to the hotel we are quickly sucked into an insanely chaotic traffic flow. We are split up into 4 different cars and our racing in and out off a massive amount of traffic in the middle of the night. I'm awaiting the inevitable to happen as motorcycles and trucks whiz by all honking there horns trying to pass through. Where are all these people going in such a hurry and at this hour? There is not much to see on our ride to the hotel except for construction happening all around us on the road and the road side.

We arrive at the hotel excited about the idea of having the day off and being able to sleep in and energize.

I step out onto my balcony it's 30 Celsius and it's 3:30 in the morning and we traveled over 20 hours, it feels good to be in India!"

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