SLAYER's Kerry King On Guitar Hero - "It's Fun To Play, But I Don't Waste My Life On It LIke A Lot Of People Do"

September 10, 2010, 14 years ago

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KRUU-FM Radio Personality Mike Ragogna has issued an interview with SLAYER's Tom Araya and Kerry King. The following is an excerpt:

Q: So Slayer is a part of Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock.

Kerry King: "Yeah. I passed to where you have to start moving your hand on the fret board, then I stopped because I don't want that confusing me when I'm on stage."

Q: Are you good at Guitar Hero?

Tom Araya: "Yeah, when I play it (laughs). It's one of those things where the more you play it, the better you get at it, and when you take a break for a while, it's kind of hard to get back into the groove of it."

Kerry King: "Well, I don't care about getting it perfect, you know? It's fun to play, but I don't waste my life on it like a lot of people do."

Q: You've been associated with these games since the original Guitar Hero with 'Chemical Warfare', and then you were on METALLICA Guitar Hero with 'War Ensemble'. You guys are staples.

Tom Araya: "Yeah. I think, actually, 'Reigning Blood' is on one of them, I think it's the Legends version. Yeah, it's one of the bonus tracks that you have to do to really beat the game."

Q: Nice, what an honor.

Tom Araya: "There are four songs at the very end of the game that you have to beat in order to beat the game. I thought that was kind of cool because my son got all the way to the end, and I said, 'These are the last four?' I think it was 'Reigning Blood'. He was able to do it, but it wasn't very easy."

Q: It's like everybody is playing Guitar Hero, but shouldn't they also be learning how to play guitar?

Kerry King: "Well, I agree. The funny thing about that is that some people have actually gotten turned on to our band and other bands because of that video game. That's something I never even thought of."

Read the complete interview at this location.

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