SLEEPY HOLLOW Part Ways With Guitarist

February 19, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news sleepy hollow

Guitarist Rick Craig has decided to leave SLEEPY HOLLOW due to creative differences within the band that make it impossible for him to continue.

Craig States: "It is unfortunate that I find myself having to report, that due to artistic differences, I find myself in a position that I must depart from Sleepy Hollow. I wish the remaining members much success for they are all great musicians. A major announcement will be forthcoming in the next week or so detailing the release of my continuing current endeavour that will feature material previously written. Thank you so much to all my friends and fans for all your continued support."

Sleep Hollow released their latest album, Skull 13, last June. The animated video for the track ‘Bleed Steel’ produced by independent film-maker David Ward can be viewed below:

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