SWORN - New Album Title, Song-Titles Revealed

October 13, 2008, 15 years ago

news life in black sworn

Norwegian black metallers SWORN have issued the following update:

"The songs for the next album is taking form and the plan is to enter the studio in the beginning of 2009, and we have already started working hard on pre-productions of songs. The new material is harder, faster, darker and more grim and with the Sworn-touch that perpetuates the atmosphere from The Alleviation!

The working title for the second album is Bastards And Conquerors and some song-titles for the album will include: 'Ascendant', 'Carnal Monuments', 'Damnation Spawned', 'The Bastard, The Conqueror', 'Remnants of Past and Present', 'Summoning the Sinister', 'The Archaic Wraith', 'Descendant'."

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