THERAPY? - "A Lot Of New People Seem To Be Coming To The Band"

August 7, 2012, 12 years ago

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THERAPY? frontman Andy Cairns is featured in a new interview with Norway's Metal Express Radio. An excerpt is available below:

MER: You've just released your latest album, A Brief Crack Of Light. Are you pleased with how it's turned out?

Andy: "We are very happy and we`re quite surprised at the reaction it`s got from the fans. A lot of new people seem to be coming to the band, which is good as we always say that when we release an album that you are so close to it and that makes it hard to have a real perspective of it until you get out there. Fingers crossed, so far it`s been great."

MER: This is your 13th album. How do you see it as a progression from your last album Crooked Timber?

Andy: "I think with this one we took the template of Crooked Timber, which is based on rhythm and bass beats with a really growly bass sound and effects laden guitar. We kept the classic Therapy? trademarks, but brought in some new things such as the vocoder for the voice and effects, samples and ambient noises in the background, which is something that we`ve been working on for a while just to make the sound slightly different. We are a rock band but we do like our albums to sound a little different compared to other rock bands."

MER: How many songs did you end up with during the writing sessions for the album?

Andy: "We recorded about 14 and used 10 on the album. We were up against it time-wise and one of the songs still needed some work and we didn`t want to rush it and put it onto the album. The other three were good, but we didn`t think they fit in with the sonic chemistry of the rest of the album, so we kept them back for later. There were two songs that the producer thought should have gone onto the album, but we thought that they were very poppy and due to the nature of the album we felt that they sounded out of place. They were more reminiscent of the old poppy `90s Therapy? and if we were going to do that then we`d put them on an album full of songs like that. They just didn`t fit in with this album so we decided to leave them off."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Therapy?'s 13th album, A Brief Crack Of Light, displays a stunning mix of angular rhythm, anthemic might and insidious melody. With a career spanning more than two decades (an astonishing feat in these days of disposable, well, everything), Therapy? have thrived, evolved and challenged in equal measure. From the chart bothering, mainstream success of the mid-90s to the musically progressive excitement of their post millennial output, Andy Cairns, Michael McKeegan and Neil Cooper still represent a true pioneer musical spirit. A Brief Crack Of Light may well be their thirteenth album - but it's as full of grit and fire as you could possibly hope for.

It will be released in North America on September 11th.

The album was recorded in two separate sessions; from December 2010 to February 2011, and in June 2011 at Blast Studios, Newcastle, England. The first session was mixed in March 2011, while the second session was mixed in July 2011. Produced by Adam Sinclair & Therapy?, the album's title comes from Vladimir Nabokov, who describes life as "A brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness".

The album was preceded by a single entitled 'Living In The Shadow Of The Terrible Thing', on January 23rd, a video of which was filmed in November 2011 and premiered on the bands' official page on January 9th (see clip below). The song was debuted at a gig in Cork, Ireland in October 2010 and later played at various European festivals in Summer 2011. 'Before You, With You, After You' was debuted at a festival in Torhout, Belgium in September 2011.


'Living In The Shadow Of The Terrible Thing'

'Plague Bell'


'Before You, With You, After You'

'The Buzzing'

'Get Your Dead Hand Off My Shoulder'

'Ghost Trio'

'Why Turbulence?'

'Stark Raving Sane'


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