December 10, 2006, 17 years ago

mega city four hot flashes doughboys therapy news wiz

THERAPY? have issued the following statement following the death of long time friend and guitarist for MEGA CITY FOUR and Canadian act THE DOUGHBOYS, Wiz, who passed away on December 6th:

"Wiz, guitarist, singer and songwriter with MEGA CITY FOUR died yesterday. This has come as sad news to us here as Wiz was a great musician and human being. He helped T? out in the early days by spreading the word of the band and when we did a month of touring in Canada '95 with The Doughboys, Wiz was playing with them. He even joined us on stage for a version of 'Nowhere' and we backed him up at the same gig on a version of the Mega's sublime 'Miles Apart'. Easy going, thoughtful, talented and kind he was always good company and his attitude to life and work was an inspiration.

Our sympaties go out to all his friends and family also to our friend Diamond Dave Thompson who turned us on to the Megas in the first place and who I know will be heartbroken.

We're thinking of you, Wiz, and we salute you."

Therapy? Dec 2006

Wiz (reall name Darren Brown) passed away on at St George's Hospital in Tooting, South London from a blood clot on the brain on December 6th.

A memorial site has been set up here.

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